Oxalic: how are you?
Jusdepommes: Fine, I'm a bit tired after my fourth exam week this year. But I will survive! According to Darwin that is.
Oxalic: thank goodness for darwin's unflagging optimism
I'm sorry Sabrina, I used you as an introduction for my blog entry. If you feel dirty right now I suggest a shower. But I did link you. And I think everyone should read your brilliant blog. So there. Please accept my promotion for your website as a prostitute would accept 500 euros for a hard night's work at the red light district in Amsterdam. Just kidding, just kidding. Please forgive my insolent jokes, but everyone who's reading this: visit
her blog. Now.
So my disciples. Have you all spread my teachings while I was gone? Well, I wasn't really gone. I just went undercover on the internet. I visited websites, message boards, etc anonymously.
I have a secret to tell you all. I'm not really jusdepommes. I was sent here by God, G-D, Allah, The Almighty One, The Big Guy There High Up In The Sky, to keep close tabs on you all. And my mission is almost completed, so I'm going back up to heaven soon. I can already tell you that some of you won't be up there in heaven with ADSL internet. You will burn in hell with a dial-up modem forever and ever and ever.
My last orders will be to play this simulation:
3rd World Famer and pass my teachings the link on.