Excerpts from D&D sessions...

Jan 18, 2006 13:44

As usual, funny crappy incidents happen during my game sessions, just to name a few. Something to tide the bored souls out there during their mid-wk blues, me included :-)

Excerpt ONE:->

Rogue : I rolled 23 for Bluff. Is the enemy bluffed?

DM aka Dungeon Master aka Omnipotent One : The dire shark laughs in your face (if they can), blew bubbles and then attempt to swallow you.

Rogue : -_-"

Excerpt TWO:->

Monk : Spring-attack the Sauhaugin [Ed: think evil fish-like humanoid beings]

DM : U tripped on seaweed n got tangled up. A nearby shark sneak up on u for a bite.

Monk : -__-"

Excerpt THREE:->

In the intense midst of battle, the unlucky Fighter was inflicted with Constitutional poison damage and 2 critical hits. Cut down and lies dying at the feet of the enemy.

Mage : Casts expeditious retreat (and is whisked away from the battlefield)

Cleric : Casts Sanctuary (and is 'forgotten' by the enemies)

Monk : Spring-attack & then uses Mobility feat to move off the battlefield

Ranger : Activates Boots of Haste & Double movement to move to edge of battlefield where he can ensures successful retreat next round.

Rogue : Tumbles through two enemies and moves to the nearest exit, activating his Ring of Invisibility as a free action.

Fighter : -___-"

Excerpt FOUR:->

Monk : In the DM's Guide II, there's a section bout managing a business. Let's open a shopfront?

DM : Selling what?

Monk : *ponders* Maybe a tavern? or an Inn?

DM : *sarcastically* Say, how bout a Bali-style Banyan Tree resort offering spa services? With Uncanny dodge & Mobility, you can be the masseur-cum-shopowner-cum-waiter-cum-jack-of-all-trades running the business cuz u r fast enough to do massage then springs off to to do reception then again, to do room services!

Ranger : Tats sounds lucrative~! But get a halfing female masseur to lure the more racially height-disabled races like dwark, halfing, gnomes etc? And preferably with high charisma too! The monk probably would not make a sensual enough experience with his charisma of... *peeks @ Monk's char sheet* erh..... 10.

Monk : Hmmm plausible. But how bout combining e stronghold & shopfront together?

Mage : Huh? So shopfront outside selling spa services but inside the courtyard, gathering followers / peasants / cult-members? Sounds far-fetch.

Fighter : He's a monk so his stronghold is probably just a rusty old attic converted to a meditation room. Nothing too fancy required.

Rouge : Cool~ maybe when he's not inside meditation / snoozing, e monk can hold yoga classes. More $$$!!!

DM : -____-"
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