for all you geminis out there...

Sep 02, 2007 00:25

You have reached a large bend in the road of life as several years of preparation come to a close. It may still take a while for you to get a clear sense of where you are heading, but change is in the air. Nevertheless, it's up to you to respond to the current challenges and make a firm commitment so you can accomplish your goals as they continue to take concrete shape.

My horoscope sometimes scares me...this one looks promising
I have a job interview on Thursday for my dream job (at the moment)
So it's for "special events planner" for the chamber of commerce in Trenton
Only thing is, is that it's only a 12 week internship, which is also perfect because then I can learn all about being an events planner and see if I actually like it and I can have the option of going to college in January as planned for HR
So it's a pretty sweet deal $13.75 for 40 hours/week
I really hope I get it

I haven't made a post in almost a month exactly
I'm not much of a blogger these days

I quit my job at the call center
it was sucking the life out of me

The summer went by really fast and I'm happy to say that I am not going back to school
And I'm lucky that two of my closest friends are around and not going back too

It was really hard to go to Petawawa, recently graduated from university and jobless
And everyone thinks they have the solution
I know they mean well but if one more person tells me to become a teacher or go overseas....
I DON'T want to be a teacher (I don't know why ppl think i would be good at it)
and I want to stay in Canada, that i know for sure, yea I'm young but it just doesn't seem worth it to me
All I want to do is make some $$ and pay off my debt

so that's what is going on in my life right now
nothing too exciting just a lot of soul searching
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