Educational Psych Seminar 1

Jul 23, 2008 22:46

Met 2 aquaintances and got to know them better... and I kinda disagree with Marion wahhaahahah I'm usually happy when I get puzzled about stuff... so if I get outta class happy it's usually cos I figured something new or reinforced ideas I already know :P

Staged developement, though the problem with the concept of staged development is as usual, do they really all come in a certain order?

that is to say sensorimotor (0 - 2), pre-operational (2 - 7), concrete operational (7 - 12) and formal operational (>12...adults?)

I think it's more likely that the stages overlap each other, the only problem here is figuring out when they actually begin to overlap?
Also I guess since maturation here is a major issue... there's not much we can do about genetics ( unless we feed kids growth hormones ><... er nm no idea what kinda side effects those will have ) so I guess what we can do is to help people MAXIMIZE their learning phases... right?

Actually one question I had during class was... how do we maximize infants potential? behaviourism? though that does makes sense... hmmm probably throw this one back at Marion later

Vygotsky generally agrees with Piaget, however he emphasizes the sociocultural aspect of  learning...
eg someone from Europe or the States would have difficulty understanding the term "kiasu" unless someone in Singapore provides him with the proper explaination.

Other related terms are Zone of Proimal Development (ZPD),
ie I am at stage X... I am capable of taking the next step to reach stage Y... the area between X and Y is my ZPD

suppose I am capable to reaching stage Y, however to reach stage Y I need to learn something new which involves assimilation or accomodation of my existing schemas (ie upsetting or feeling confused something no one in his/her right mind would like doing), I'll probably need someone to help me bridge that gap ie providing little steps or clues to arrive at the next stage... which means Scaffholding from Vygotsky

we also discussed on how language is developed a little though not much,

Behaviourism, ie reward n punishment, baby makes noise, parent reacts positively
Sociocultural, culture / enviroment provides the stimulus for acquiring language

however, both these perspectives are unable to explain why people are able to arrive at novel concepts like "Sarong Party Girl" ok kidding I wonder if it's a right example...

anyway the proper example would be badder or worser, which are technically wrong but 'right' to the kids

(side note: is it possible that language, as much as it is an enabler, also functions as a schema and a limiter? that is to say if we describe something as shiny... our mind often links it to a smooth surface, even though it could be a coarse lump of metal?)

Finally Nativism by Chomsky, believes that people have LED... hehe LAD (Language Acquiring Device) in them that primes them to learn language ie activated around age 0 - 7?

Think that's it... omg it's freaking heavy hahahahaha and

putting ideas into words is also damn difficult >< but it's a really really good way to learn

"The unexamined life is not worth living."
Socrates. Apology 38a.
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