i'm going to kill you lee

Nov 29, 2006 02:15

These things are silly, but I thought I'd do it anyway. People don't generally tag me for this sort of thing.

10 things about me.

1: i've always wanted a bulldog named elliot

2: i don't like tomoatos by themselves. they have to be an ingredient in something.

3: i'm from maryland, and plan on going back sometime in the future.

4: whenever i get a new sketchbook, cori makes me draw an icecream cone.

5: i love tofu.

6: i almost never wear pants in my own home

7: i started playing the bass because eric and lee already played guitar and we needed a bass player for the band.

8: stanley kubrick's dr. strangelove is my favorite movie but wes anderson is my favorite director

9: i have a tendency to say 'your face' a lot. it's starting to become a nervous tick. your face.

10: i've met both of my heroes.

I guess I should "tag" some other people to do this. Fine. I'll tag:


thats it. just you. suck it turk.

(bonus #11! i quote scrubs way too much)
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