Jan 04, 2005 17:09
Ugh. I am so bored. and that sucks, because when I'm bored, I eat. Winter holidays I was busy, so i actually lost some weight...and I'm happy with where I am at now. it was like 2 pounds, so noone get upset..but I can fit into my wranglers now, which is good. But now that The holidays are over, and my ho-nay is gone back home, I'm worried I might start eating my feelings again. I wish i could drive, cuz then I could be doing something with my life...like, riding my horse maybe?? the one that my parents paid THOUSANDS of dollars for and WON'T LET ME GO SEE?? Good lord. However, unfortunately..I'm stuck with sitting at home..sitting on my lard ass in front of the computer or tv..eating. ugh. SO BORED!