Mar 19, 2009 22:03
not the the magic dragon
i bought puff pastry today
rolled it out, but sadly not enough because it seems the finished product looked too full.
i made nutella filled pastries for MOHA and myself today.
i had a weird migraine attack yesterday and she, although usually calm and reserved, was unusually quiet today to the point that she looked mleh...
conclusion could be one of two things or the combination of both...
BWB has been implying that I am bulexic and that MOHA is following suit... so one possibility is lack of proper nutrition...
and the other possibility is too much sun exposure.. we've been worshipping the sun a lot this week and i'm thinking that could be one reason we're feeling weird...
anyhoo, we'll have nutella filled pastries to eat in one of the darkened workrooms tomorrow..
i think i'll stay indoors.. i can't afford obagi just yet... :p