(no subject)

Oct 16, 2008 12:12

Seriously, has anyone ever dated someone your mother didnt like? I think every person ive dated just about my mother hasnt like. Now, Dan somehow is on my moms mad list or some shit. Because some how its his fault my moms car is broken? lol.

Seriously? Am i the only one that has a CRAZY family? We can Never, be together all of us because something happens always. I dont think my mom had been happy in 2 years. She claims she is but is miserable and makes everyone around her miserable.
Then you have Helen, on the other hand thinks i should move back with my mom. (Helen is super nice and tries to help out) But uh, no! My mother runs hot & Cold its not even funny. She snaps and blah blah blah.
I went over there for an hour, and i just couldnt stay any longer. Everything that came out of her mouth was horrible. Talking about everyone and nothing but sour.
I asked her, what she was going to do tomorrow for her birthday and yet sounded like a dog barking. Then she said you didnt tell Dan its my birthday tomorrow? I said yes? She said oh well i dont want him knowing and blah blah blah..

When i get to her age, i hope im honestly not like her miserable and freaking crabby!

Everything with me is good, i had an Interview yesterday. On Northlake Sports Authority. It sounded good, they were going to do my back ground check, then i could start working.
I thought the GM was suppose to call me today? But i guess i misunderstood? I dont know but my fingers are crossed.

Im so excited because fall is here, and so to be winter!! I hope we have a winter this year!! =)
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