Apr 14, 2005 17:42

Lately everything has sucked! Stupid shit between me n Marilyn...It may be stupid but it upsets me. She said that everyone she talks to thinks im a bitch and HATES me! But w/e if you hate me then tell me...this is bullshit. And ya it seems that Joey is her new best friend, bcuz shes tellin him stuff that she wont even tell me,(her supposed to be bestfriend)! but w/e. Im not trying to stress over this shit. I dont even kno why Im styll friends wid her...she talks behind my back. She was tellin *people* that Im such a baby, that Im a pig n always want food wen I go to her house, and that Im a bad friend. Well if Im such a bad friend then y is she friends wid me?!? But w/e. I am so freaking fed up with everything right NOW!!! I really dont care if I have any friends any shoulders to cry on. I dont really have *good friends*....I just have people I talk to at school. So ya I guess u could say im in need of a good friend! I need a "Caroline n Sophia" kinda relationship! I doubt that I will ever have a good as relationship as that. Well me n Christina used to be lyk that b4 our fight n b4 Lynette came(not a bad thing)! I just doubt I will have a friendship lyk that. I mean I have good friends but its not as good as I want, we dont hang out out of school.

i wish it was that easy

<3The one and onlii *Jessica*
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