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jus_anotha_girl User Number: 3020665
Date Created:2004-05-02
Number of Posts: 230
Jus_anotha_girl is 18. She lives in Rhode Island. She loves Care Bears, Ponies, Rainy days, Poetry, writting, dying my hair, the color black, country music and tons of other things. She is currently dating a wonderful boy named Dave. They have been together for about 8 months now.
Strengths: Easy to talk to, Happy go lucky, hyper, obsessed with muffins, dancing, singing, writting poetry, listening to people, wearing hoodies,
Weaknesses: cutting, depression, kinda chunky, gets lonely very easily, wants to be taken away, playing pool, bowling,
Special Skills: Pony loving freak, care bear loving freak
Weapons: Biting, pulling, hair, scratching, wrestling, tickling, ignoring people
Quotes: "if its meant to be it will happen, if it doesn't happen it wasnt meant to be"
"a dream is just a dream until you make it come true and i am just me unless im with you:
"I am great in bed...I can sleep for hours"
"Guys are like slinkies its fun to watch them fall down stairs"
"Love is not about loving the perfect person its about loving the imperfect person perfectly"
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