This bitch thinks she HOTTT SHITT LMAO

Jan 31, 2005 19:23

FrozenAir88: so enlighten me on how i fascinate you nina
NinaViciousOne: go away
FrozenAir88: answer me and i will
NinaViciousOne: go away
FrozenAir88: answer me and i will
NinaViciousOne: FUCK of
FrozenAir88: hahahaha
FrozenAir88: naw i think i'll stay im having fun how about u?
NinaViciousOne: go away, Erica
FrozenAir88: why are u mad Nina?
NinaViciousOne: go away
FrozenAir88: if u couldnt already telll.. something i think u now know about me i am very cold and bitter when u fuck with my friends... so why are u mad?
NinaViciousOne: I never fucked with your friends
FrozenAir88: you fucked with mike and said shit about cassie
NinaViciousOne: They said shit about me!
FrozenAir88: Mike has cause to say whatever he wants nina... u dumped him, and u said a buncha shit about him, u went outta ur way to make him jealous all the while ur best friend was prolly fucken him
NinaViciousOne: FUCK YOU!
NinaViciousOne: GO GET YOUR ON LIFE!
FrozenAir88: what cant handle the truth that lauren fucked mike when she "ran away"?
FrozenAir88: i dont have problems bitch... i fix the ones people start and this one is about fixed
NinaViciousOne: You have no say over me and what I do!
FrozenAir88: haha im giving u fair warning to leave Mike and the rest of my friends the fuck alone or you will deal with me in person Nina.... and I dont wanna have say over your pathetic ass... it wouldnt be any fun... lol and plus im not the one that cant handle the fucken truth when its dealt to her
NinaViciousOne: Or, what?
NinaViciousOne: What are you gonna do?
FrozenAir88: i guess its ur decision if u decide to take that route Nina but I'd advise not to because you dont know me, you dont know how I get when I am pissed and your gettin pretty fucken close.... but on the other hand u'd prolly call the cops if i came to confront ur ass right?
NinaViciousOne: Damn straight!
NinaViciousOne: So, I;m not afraid of you!
FrozenAir88: lol ur scurrd
NinaViciousOne: Oh, yeah..
NinaViciousOne: SHAKING
FrozenAir88: good
NinaViciousOne: Mhm..
FrozenAir88: its soo funny how u think everyone cares about u and ur pathetic life nina
NinaViciousOne signed off at 7:17:25 PM.
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