Nov 02, 2006 21:39

ok so today was a good day, the first in like what seems like a month. but anyway to start it off it was a late start so i slept in till 8:30 yay! then my friend Kristine wanted to go to breakfast so mal her their friend danny and i went to Denny's. i had three pancakes sausage and bacon!! woot woot! then we get to school and 1st hour is you know 1st not better not worse which is good. the best part of my day happens when we get to second. the evil short man is handing back the test and guess what i got guess guess! i got a 61/56! yay that means my essay was perfect and i got the extra credit right!!! I'm so happy! then lunch is right after that and we go to lunch and me and Hannah decide to see what math team is about. we go there and they have pizza but you have to have 2 dollars and me and her didn't have it, but because the day was so great the teacher let us have some pizza anyway. then i have math next(same teacher) and we are doing board problems, she lets me do two even tho i don't have them done(thank you momo) and we only have to have 4 a quarter and i convinced her to let me do three and i did 2 the day before!! so i am done with that but i am going to continue doing them!! then we had cookies in 7th and i came home and all is still well but i am procrastinating on a history essay i am supposed to do oh well. maybe it will write itself.
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