Oh louisian
The devil fools with the best laid plan.
Swing low louisian
You got spare change
You got to feel strange
And now the moment is all that it meant.
louisiana, you got the weight on your shoulders
That’s breaking your back.
Your cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch
And a wheel on the track
Oh louisian
Banjos playing through the broken glass
Windows down in louisian
See the old folks tied in white ropes
Hear the banjo.
Don’t it take you down home?
louisian, you got the weight on your shoulders
That’s breaking your back.
Your cadillac has got a wheel in the ditch
And a wheel on the track
Oh louisian.
Can I see you and shake your hand.
Make friends down in louisian.
I’m from a new land
I come to you and see all this ruin,
What are you doing, louisiana?
You got the rest of the union to help you along,
What’s going wrong?
Yes, I feel like total crap today. I hate this fucking city and this shit hole apartment and walking dogs on fucking leashes and picking up their shit with little biodegradeable bags that fit your hand just perfectly. I think I am going to actually lose my mind - wait - OK, I stuffed a cotton ball in my ear.
Ok, here is an idea. Everybody who read this, send one email per day to the following people until the power comes back on. Tell them you have family in St. Tammany Parish than can't go home because WST can't get the job done.
St. Tammany Parish President Kevin Davis -
president@stpgov.orgPublic Service Commissoner Jay Blossman -
blossman@lpsc.org and
jblossman@mcsalaw.com - use both because his office might not be running
Washington St. Tammany Power Corporation -
outage@wste.coop Wow! I should feel better now - but I fucking DON'T!