I'm home now. I spent they day cutting grass - a lot of it. The grass was really, really high since I had not cut it in weeks. Tomorrow, I need to rake up the cuttings. That's a feat considering its 6 acres. Bit, its OK.
Tomorrow is Father's Day. So, I think I'll just sit around and wait for the kids to call. It should be great. Yeah.
I've been in court the past week. Here is a photo of the courthouse.
Looks like a fit place for justice, right? Well, I really like this photo because of the rich irony. The very stately and distinguished courthouse in the foreground contrasted with the name on the water tower behind. I know you can't read it, but trust me, if you did what I do for a living and if you could read it, you would appreciate the irony
I bought an inflatable kayak this week. I don't know why, I just wanted it. I used it in the pool today. it works great. Maybe one day I'll take it out to a river around here and paddle it.
I drank Belgian ale with dinner and put Purto Rican rum on my pound cake for dessert.
Abbey has signed me up as a subject in an experiement at Rochester when Casey and I go there next month. I guess I should tell her that "subject" is no longer appropriate according to the American Psychological Association. The term is considered demeaning and depersonalizing and the preferred term is "participant."
How to make a Jury Jester
5 parts competetiveness
1 part arrogance
3 parts beauty
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add wisdom to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktailFrom
Go-Quiz.com That's all of my random thoughts for now.