Title: Irrational Choices - chapter 3
Pairing: Ryo, OC
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimer: I do not own any JE boys. Or anyone or anything for that matter.
Summary: When the person that matters most to you leaves you and returns after so many years, how do you cope?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 (
I told you I would forget about you... )
i was scared that pipz might not read this one bec its 5,500 plus words..LOL
thats why it means a lot to me that you took the time to read and comment.. thank you so much!
the next chappie is on the works..im hoping to finish it soon..
p.s. i friended u, hope u don't mind =)
kei, jin and hiro... yeyeye! it's nice to see familiar names. its easy to associate faces with their characters.
st me when chap 4's up.
gambare jurya-chan!!!
thank you for commenting! (i know i have been bugging u to do so..lol)
im trying to limit the NEWS boys so im using other jap idols as characters..
i know you like hiro from zettai so i thought it was a good choice (see, i consider you when i make my fics. thats how much you mean to me. woah! a confession?! haha)
hope to finish the next chappie soon.
i had to stop because of beauty.. life is tough with her around.. haha.. rantings anyone?!
thank you so much annafoe! ^_^
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