In honor of Chuck Norris's birthday (which is tomorrow), I would like to counter several myths about this great man with some actually true and mostly verifiable Chuck Norris Facts:
- Chuck Norris owes his interest in the martial arts and law enforcement to his time in the US Air Force. He was stationed at Osan Air Base, South Korea, where he served as a military policeman.
- Chuck Norris once drove a speedboat from Chicago to Detroit in just over 12 hours -- a world record! His powerboating team was sponsored by Popeye's Chicken.
- Chuck Norris taught Steve McQueen how to hit like a man.
- Chuck Norris's real name isn't "Charles" -- it's "Carlos".
- Chuck Norris has his own Code of Ethics. And you can buy the poster!
- Chuck Norris thinks that the made-up Chuck Norris Facts are "funny. Some are pretty far out."
- Many so-called Chuck Norris "facts" are stolen from an SNL sketch about a really amazing guy named Bill Brasky.
- Chuck Norris's family crest is a picture of a barracuda eating Neil Armstrong.
Okay, so that last one is only mostly true.