The creation of images of Muhammad (
pbuh) is against a
subset of Islamic teachings from the Hadith, but is not a general prohibition. Sunnis, particularly fundamentalist Sunnis, believe that it is improper to create a physical representation of the prophet. You might compare this to fundamentalist evangelicals in the American South, who believe
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Remember the whole, France banning the hijjab in schools thing? (my favorite quote from was from a high school girl, arguing for her right to wear a headscarf "other students dress in all black and openly worship Satan! and nobody bothers THEM..."
it does shock me that this is happening in Denmark, where women leave their baby carriages on the street when they go to the store, because the region is THAT safe.
some other thoughts (not necessarily regarding your comment but i'm too lazy to split them up and completely pollute this entry)
1.I'm not sure I see all the necessary connections that link Printing cartoons of the Prophet resulting in the European Press squirming over printing the subsequent cartoons from this contest.
cause while it may be illegal to say "the Holocaust didn't happen" Nobody had a problem printing "the Iranian President said that the Holocaust didn't happen"
2. There might actually be something to be learned from the cartoons get printed by the Iranian press, perverted though it may sound. 'Cause if it's a given that the Holocaust has been omitted from the curriculum we'll be seeing the results of it, what you're not going to get much of are the historically accurate plays on the atrocities that actually took place. The majority of the submissions would be some gross caricatures straight from the imagination of a generation taught by rumor that no Jews were present in the Twin Towers when they went down in flames & now being taught by their mass media that the mass extermination of Jews would not only be funny, it can be profitable a well! Which, in a sick way, might actually be more valuable to understanding one of the problems at hand...
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