Wait, you're where?

Jul 24, 2005 17:34

31 hours ago I was in Bethany Beach, DE, saying "I'd love to go kayaking today. Let me just check this one thing on my work laptop, and double-check the date on those orders for next week..."

Pants-shitting terror is the name of the feeling you get when you look at a big official piece of paper that says "PROCEED ON" and it has today's date on it. That was yesterday. I made it back to DC through beach traffic, packed for a month away from home, and got back in my car headed for Charlotte, NC -- all with the aid of my too-lovely-for-words wife. I hit the road around 5pm (that's about 24 hours ago). Crashed at a hotel outside of Charlotte (440 miles, 400 mins = 66 mph). I have now been in Montgomery Alabama for about four hours (410 miles, 330 mins = 74.5 mph). Today's drive is a new personal record for me; on the drive back from Columbus I was happy to average 60 mph including stops. The combined runs from yesterday and today total 850 miles in 730 minutes of driving (includes gas, food, and bathroom breaks) and leave me just shy of the 70 mph mark.

Alabama is hotter than hell, and muggy, too. Now I get to read the Air Force Doctrine documents that I was planning to read all week. LJ updates will be few and far between for the next 28 days. Wish me luck!

speed, foreign countries, military, travel

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