Jul 01, 2013 20:39
I went to the free health care clinic tonight.
At first I was kind of upset about it. Seeing the other people there I felt so angry because it was obvious that they didnt have jobs or had more children than one person should be allowed to conceive or were just generally not upstanding individuals. And I was angry because I feel like I have a job that I work damn hard at and I should be able to go to my doctors that Ive been seeing for years, but I really just need a different job with health benefits.
When I got called in, the doctor went to go find my type of insulin because they were going to give me some free insulin and glucometer supplies. While she was looking for the insulin another doctor there who is an endocrinologist (diabetes doctor) was interested that there was a patient there with diabetes and asked to see me.
Well, I saw this doctor and it was amazing. She knew both my previous doctors from the Joslin Center and we talked about them and then she got a bag and filled it with insulin. So, naturally I started sobbing. I told her Id been paying for insulin out of pocket and just couldnt do it any longer and how much this meant and she said "Oh my god! I'll give you more!!!" and then she got so much more insulin for me and gave me a new glucometer since I wasnt sure mine was working correctly. So then I cried harder because I was just so relieved. It was amazing and Im so glad I went to the clinic. I was back and forth about it today because I just wanted to sleep all day but I made myself go and Im so glad.