001. in medias res [video]

Mar 19, 2011 20:37

[The communicator switches on to a middle-aged woman in a leather jacket. She looks a little dishevelled-her ponytail has a few mousy brown strands loose, and she’s panting slightly, as if she’s just been running.]

Well. This is quite a change from the exploding Hotel Class I was in just a moment ago. Not that I'd call it an improvement at the moment.

The name's Thursday Next--I'm a new Warden. Just got here. But introductions can wait. What's going on, and how can I help?

[Thursday has been monitoring the logs since her arrival a few minutes ago, but she's still confused. That won't stop her from doing her best to deal with Weird Shit. It never has.]

um hello, ic, wtf is going on

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