(no subject)

Nov 25, 2007 13:05

I am never watching reality TV where there are people competing for a prize ever, ever again. Yesterday I spent the entire day watching an "America's Next Top Model" marathon. And by 'all day,' I mean from 8 in the morning to 10 at night. I was invested.
In any case, I supported this girl Melrose almost right from the beginning. She won a shit ton of challenges and was really peppy and polite. There was this one girl I HATED more than hate, named Cari Dee. That is a stupid name. STUPID!
In any case, Cari Dee won, even though she was kind of really ugly, rude to the judges, and unpredictable.
Why (with the exception of Kelly Clarkson, who I wanted to win, and DID) does everyone I support end up losing?
I think I'm cursed. The reality TV curse. That's what I get for watching that crap, anyway.
Although I have a bit of a girl-crush on Tyra Banks. I think she's gorgeous and HILARIOUS. No one can change their race faster than Tyra. For example (and this is stolen a bit from Kathy Griffin, but I saw too many examples of this yesterday to pass up writing about it): "Melrose, you have lovely bone structure, and you shine in your photographs. But, girrrrrrrl, you gotta learn ta shake dat badonk-i-donk! Yo mama gave you good stuff, so girrrrrrl, puddit out dere! Thank you, Melrose. You're still in the running to become America's Next Top Model. You may step down."
In the space of one second she goes from Anna Wintour to Lil Kim. It's hysterical.

america's next top model, tv

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