
Jul 23, 2021 18:52

Wahoo, I am now doubled jabbed for Covid! I brought my 2nd vacc appointment forward since, in the UK, we're being encouraged to get double-whammied as quickly as possible so you can get your 2nd jab from 8 weeks after your 1st rather than 12. I had the worst fever side effects to this 2nd one, though, I had none of this the first time around; I was hot, I was cold, I ached, my teeth chattered. Insanity. I am feeling better today but it's been a tough one since Wednesday, when I had my jab. At least it's all done now. Apparently, at present, they know that the vaccine gives one at least 9 months of immunity so I may have to prepare myself to do it all again next year! But until then, let's hope it helps.

I bought myself a Geoffy photo still from the House on Haunted Hill as a reward for myself since I did not faint at either appointment, either - but big thanks to the nursing team for letting me lay flat when I had my jab just incase. I can never predict when I might faint after jabs, 8 out of 10 times I'd say I'm ok, but it's not fun if it does happen so better to have me prostrate just incase.

I have also, since Wednesday, began a strict regime of weaning myself off my smartphone addiciton. I realised, checking my phone's activity tracker earlier this week, that I spend waaaay too much time on it, and alot of it is meaningless scrolling. It's made my concentration worse as well for reading, drawing, writing, and it's just become an almost stereotypical displacement behaviour to keep picking it up and checking it. So enough is enough. I have built myself a regime, tied an elastic band around my phone to remind myself, and am instead concentrating on filling the gaps in my time with reading or doing my puzzle or even watching TV without also scrolling on my phone. I have deleted Twitter from my phone and I don't miss it tbh, Facebook has been gone for a while - I only aim to check those sites on my laptop - but I still have Tumblr and IG on my phone, but my relationship with them is much healthier. For the past 2 days, fever nonwithstanding, it hasn't been as hard as I thought to not use my phone or have it nearby - though I think the sheer shock at the amount of time I wasted on my phone has helped - and I've read 2 books in the past 3 days which is great for my yearly reading challenge and at least feels more productive than filliing my time with aimless scrolling. If I am unable to relax and do nothing - which I generally am - at least I can try to clear my bookshelf rather than cycle through the same 4 apps over and over!

covid 19, smartphone addiction, about me

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