Sep 12, 2012 20:54
So yesterday was my birthday. I'm now 28 years old. Good lord, how did that happen? Don't feel like I've even started to really live yet - keep getting to a near point then, blah, failing. I hope I'm on the first rung of a career ladder now with my job, but everything else is still up in the air. But that's okay, I guess.
So birthday consisted of... going to work. Which is fine, I love my job, but it ended up being a beast of a day and so me and a couple of the other girls left an hour later than we should have. So typical! My friends' cooked me a nice dinner in the evening, though, and had made a cake. I also got a few nice cards and a ridiculous amount of well wishes on Facebook, which was cool, so thanks everyone for that.
Some people forgot or just didn't even realise, which is fine. Hardly felt that special a day. It never really does any more. I just seems like we're forever building up to the next Christmas and every year goes faster than the last. Blink and you miss it, this thing called life.
I'll shut up now. Feeling a bit morose for some reason. But things have been tough lately so I guess that was gonna happen. I'm gonna try get some doodles done tonight and get back into the habit of drawing more often again. It might help me work through this mess that my mind's in.
Also, I have a potential house mate coming to look at my spare room on Saturday and she has a horse called Henry! :D
(Also, I'll be close to turning 30 at DWCon14 so... fun things could be planned for that!)