Sat at home with the Christmas tree lights on and watching my favourite Christmas film, "A Christmas Carol" (the 1984 version with George C. Scott, I must point out - so atmospheric and awesomesauce! Scared me a bit as a child, which is always good. Heheh!)
Feeling quite festive and am hoping to throw together a few festive doodles today, as well as finish a couple of artsy projects I'm meant to complete before Christmas. ¬_¬
Anyway... since 2005, I have been doing a Hogswatch sketch every year running on the same theme. (Well... I say every year, but I missed out 2007-2009 inclusive owing to an unintentional Dyskworldian hiatus in my life. Ah well. Life happens and some things get pushed by the wayside for a while, eh?) The theme of these sketches was, and continues to be (in an elongated way), inspired by the end of the fanfic "
His Lordship had a Little Lamb" by Mercator, which I've read far too many times. If you'd like to read a series of fics where His Lordship is partnered with a woman for once, then you'd enjoy these stories - they're chirpy, inventive and well-written little tales about how the Patician, in his own backhand way, manipulates and blackmails an intelligent and bold seamstress into his personal service. It might not sound in-character or like it should work, but it does, and they are very funny and clever tales. Merc' writes a fab Havelock.
But anyway... at the very end, it's hinted that an unexpected baby might well be on the horizon. And though it's not something you would ever see in canon,it makes for a bit of entertaining mind-wandering, and I've endeavoured to, every Hogswatch since the year the last story was written, draw a picture of Havelock and his child as the child grows (in fact, this turned out to be "children" because, according to the author, there would in fact be twins - but I didn't adhere to this until later in the my sketch series, after my three-year hiatus!).
So, these are the ones done so far:
His World - Hogswatch 2005 Naaw! A very private moment you know His Lordship wouldn't let anyone see. Ever.
Happy Hogswatch 2006 First wee steps (with the "Obermann" pup I assigned to Havelock in the post-Wuffles but pre-Mr Fusspot days).
Happy Hogswatch 2010 (The one with the "Cube-composed-of-smaller-differently-coloured-cubes-which-can-be-rotated-on-a-pivot-mechanism-to-form-a-solid-coloured-face-on-each-side" ;) Teehee.) Still not happy with this sketch... keep meaning to re-do it. But I love the idea.
So now the kids must be about 6 years old... Hmmm... what Hogswatch scene can I come up with this year...? *Grace ponders* I do have an idea... might give that one a go...