Finally! Advice to Fanfic Writers! And it's certainly not written by me! If you're interested in reading a little about how to write better then I recommend you peruse the "Advice to Writers" section on this website -- -- it's actually really thorough and informative, and I personally found most of it to be very useful.
And having clicked teh link you're probably now realising, with horror, that you're associated with a person who used to be a big Power Rangers fan. (And who occasionally meanders back to check on them once in a while.) No one's taking my multi-coloured, spandex-wearing, alien(really-a-man-in-a-suit)-beating, super-psychedelic heroes away from me! Heheh. (My favourite characters were the bad guys if that's any consolation. ;D I like my villains.)
And thank you freak snow storms from Russia! I missed uni' today because the roads were looking rather slippery and I'm absolutely terrified of driving on ice! We be screwed if it all freezes over tonight, though.