Looks like they really work at the promotion for Juri's new movie, Killer - Virgin Road (KVR). From August onwards, there will be 5 short prologue drama shown exclusively for KDS KDDI Au Lismo! phone subscribers. The vids are not available yet (hopefully Japan fans will record them). Right now, let's just enjoy some other pics that we haven't seen.
AU LISMO! shop (KVR all the way) from
KVR offcial blog.
Large ad board
Some pictures from Au Lismo! website.
(Click for larger images)
Watch Au Lismo! x KVR CM on youtube. "Mo Mo Mo Mo! Lismo!" XD
Click to view
Download the Au Lismo! x KVR screensaver here:
lismo_kvr_ss_win.exe (860KB)
Very kawaii bubbles Juri on green background.
(Click for larger images)
Screensaver credits to honey @Juri's baidu bar.