You know, I generally like Kurt. Yes, he's stupidly stereotypical, but what isn't in this show? But the episode involving the Tots? I wanted to PUNCH him. And even though Mercades was being stereotypical, I was totally rooting for her and the Tots. :) I do love me some Tots.
I'm back home {thank GOD!}. I'm catching up with a couple shows, then I need to clean a little bit around the house, and after that I really, REALLY need to get cracking on my Sims 2 Secret Santa. No idea what to do. Sucky thing is, they don't have a LJ or a DW, so I'm going to have to figure out what they'd want from their posts on GoS. >.< Oh, I need to download the AnyGame Starter too...
I'll leave you with this hilarious video. :)
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