Yoinked from
All icons shown are made by me, so if you want to see more, check out my other icons by going
Default icon:
Because Carson is Teh Sex.
Oldest icon:
*covers eyes* The horror!!!!!
Newest icon:
Weir is starting to look very pretty now that her hair looks somewhat normal.
Saddest icon:
I couldn't decide which one was sadder, so I chose them both.
Happiest icon:
Carson/microscope = OTP *laughs*
Angriest icon:
This is about as angry as I get, apparently.
Cutest icon:
Sexiest icon:
Shinny lips.
Most humorous icon:
The icon itself isn't that funny, but the context its taken out of makes me laugh so hard I cry. I *love* the movie Nothing. *giggles*
Favorite ship icon:
Yum! Atlantis Harem!
Favorite fandom icon:
Icon you use most (besides your default):
Some of the above mentioned, but this one other than thoughs. I just love the coloring I got with this icon
Favorite Overall:
This one other than my default. Again, mainly because of the coloring.
How many icons do you have total? on my LJ: 66; made by me: over 200
How many can you have? 100
If you could buy space for more, would you? Of course! Icons & Wallpapers = crack
Do your icons make a statement about you? Yep. Its like a window to the soul or some shit like that.
What fandom do you have the most icons out of? SGA
What ship do you have the most icons out of? McKay/Beckett *squee*
How do you catagorize your icons? Catagorize? I guess by who is in them
Are your icons mostly made by other users? Both. I like a little variety, but I love to show off my own shinies.
Do you make icons? Yep, go
here to see my other graphics and such.
Are they any good? I would hope so. Other people are using them, so I would assume a few people think they are good besides me.
Animated icons are....? Really cool and I want to learn how to make them!
In general, I think icons...tons of fun to make and collect. As I said before, icons are my crack.
That was fun! K, off to Orlando! Yay!!!!