In this chapter: Vacations & Temper Tantrums
Gen 1 Spouse by:
bondchick_nettGen 2 Spouse by:
katuCameos from Sims by:
bondchick_nett93 pics
Domenik: Hmm...I'm a little hungry
Domenik: I think I'll just relax here until Bloo wakes up.
Domenik: But, I'm still really hungry.
Domenik: But, my wife is so beautiful, I can't stop gazing on her sleeping face.
Domenik: But food is quite delicious.
Domenik: I really do love my wife. *heartfarts*
Uniscorn being the most adorable baby ever.
Just another day in the Foster household.
And its time to continue getting those vacation memories!
And what memories they will have! Please see the chaos below:
I guess setting fire to a stranger is a good way to woo a woman. *shrugs*
Waiter: :D :D :D
Omnizot: O.o
I'm so happy they got back together. They're too adorable!
Omnizot: Oh look. A ninja.
American Ninja: Hello.
Omnizot: OMG! A NINJA!
And I FINALLY find a tai chi-ing local!
I thought meditation was to relieve stress.
While they're socializing with the locals...
More chaos is going down!
Zoe: That's right! I cheated! *anger*
Omnizot: *eyes target*
Another vacation memory down!
Map and treasure chest acquired!
Omnizot - The Man of a Thousand Fantastic Faces
No! Bad Black Gen! Bad!
*waves* Hi
I continue to feel bad about the torture, but this amuses me to no end!
Don't look too happy. Wouldn't want to strain yourself.
Bloppy Pants: *sobs* I can never get the trees the way I want them. :(
A small moment of peace in this house, basking in the glow of the treasure chest.
Bloppy Pants: Why is there never anything fun in this house?!
Birthday time!
*squeals with delight*
Black Gen, you're doin' it wrong.
There we go! Much better!
I know, I know. Somehow I don't think he's going to fit in this generation.
It just takes a little shove in the right direction.
Yay! My first Servo!
Named Goo Goo Ga Ga, after my favorite character on the show. :)
Bloppy Pants: I think this tree will look lovely here.
Uniscorn: Doesn't he know that those trees are not indigenous to that region?!
Uniscorn: Amateur!
Bloo's still one sexy elder.
Woot! Platinum! :D
I wanted to get them to argue and such to be angry at each other.
Instead, they ended up having fun and their relationship score went up. :( Oops.
Domenik: Sometimes I worry about my grandchildren. I just hope our Servo will be a good nanny to them when they need it.
Goo Goo Ga Ga: Why would the tiny human put those trees in this location? Amateur!
Zoe: Maybe I should be worried that the Servo is bonding with my family.
I would too.
Domenik: I don't want to go. :(
Domenik: Oh sweet! You've got booze!
Domenik: What are you waiting for? Let's go!
Bloppy Pants: Why's everyone so upset?
Bloppy Pants: Money!
Bloo: *anger* Its your fault your father's dead!
Bloo: No! Its your fault!
RIP Domenik. :(
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Foster's House Tour & Download 1.0 //
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