What would you expect to get back when you google for submission?
#1 Submission is the literally translates into the word "Islam“ in Arabic. The meaning that all of Islam is about individuals submitting to the will of God. So as you might guess, that makes Islam the number one hit for the word submission.
#2 A movie on youtube about... Islam
#3 The definition of Submission from a dictionary
#4 Another definition from a dictionary.
#5 Well, this is the internet, and people want search engines to find their products, so this marketing site wants you to buy their services. When you submit your website, they will make sure it gets found. (yawn)
#6 - Submit to the SCA's College of Heralds!
So for people who are looking to be submissive, there it is, the two best choices are to convert, or try and get heraldry passed.