Mar 10, 2005 11:02
it snuck up on me...i never even saw it coming.
It all started with that damn Radiohead phase where they put out Kid A and Amnesiac. Then, I started listening to Postal Service. Then, all the sudden I'm listening to Cut Copy and Shy Child and El Guapo and LCD Soundsystem. Then, this week, the new Fischerspooner and Daft Punk....DAFT PUNK!
friends, i believe I've finally become converted to electronic music....
Seriously, the new Daft Punk is insane, and the Fischerspooner is awesome, although not as awesome.
Anyone share my sentiments or has converted to electronic music of some form? I think the me of 4 years ago would laugh at my musical tastes of now...much the same way I would laugh at my musical tastes 4 years ago.