I was waiting in a photoshop in town and all salespeople where busy (hence the waiting). There was a woman that was holding a nice D80 with an even nicer lens. That's a better piece of equipment than my camera, in case you don't know ;)
I'm pretty sure she didn't need it though, as she gave the impression to have never shot a picture before in her life. The salesguy was happily explaining some basic functions of the camera (as in: look, I take a picture and if you don't like it you can delete it this easily!). When he was explaining the mode-dial, she asked: and what mode is for taking pictures against the sun?
There is no one answer to that question because you have to choose how you will tackle that problem. You can adjust the exposure, you can use a flash or you can create some other creative effect. The guy said to adjust the exposure. The woman looked a bit puzzled and started to ask about the protective plastic in front of the lcd. Yes madam you can remove that if you would want to. The salesguy got distracted for a moment and the woman took advantage of that moment to explain to her friend that if you wanted to take a picture of the himalaya, you really needed this kind of camera. Ahum. Then she asked: so tell me, which one is better: Nikon or Canon?
The guy, not wanting to ruin his sale told her quickly: they are rivals, but Canon does not make this lens so you would have to buy another lens.
Ofcourse Canon does not make the exact same lens :p
A right answer could have been: generally Canon produces less noise in it's images and Nikon has a better flash system.
At one point she suddenly realized: I have to buy a memory card too?! Luckily she didn't mind the 20-30 euros extra. She also kept on asking if she could get a tax reduction saying "she needed it for her job". The answer: only if you are a professional photographer. She insisted: but what if I need it for my job? Madam, only if you are a professional photographer! But can you make a price? (salesman getting bit angry) Listen lady, this is a very fine price, you can go check other stores here if you like, you will not find any better!
She couldn't stand it anymore and told him she would take it! When he was wrapping it up she asked: wait! What if the sun comes from behind me, can I still frame my picture using the lcd? Ehrm, no lady, you can never use the lcd to frame your picture ...
Arg! I couldn't stand it and left the building to the competition where I ordered a nice Sigma 20mm 1.8, which I hope will arrive shortly!
Oh there was also an older guy with the advertisings of the Aldi. He wanted to buy the camera depicted there, or something similar. Why would you want to do that? The opposite I can imagine: I cannot afford this expensive one, do you have something similar but cheaper? Nobody says: this piece of crap is exactly what I want, but do you have a more expensive version?
Ah and ofcourse this picture that I took yesterday when returning from the good photoshop:
Oh and this picture came straight out of the camera: no photoshopping :)