
Apr 17, 2008 08:38

Most of you already know because you got the text message - but here's the full scoop.

I passed my motorcycle basic safety class and got my operator's certificate. I need to head over to the Sec of State and fill out a 15 question test to get my driver's license endorsement, but then I'll be deemed fit to own and operate a bike. I'm excited. I don't have a bike yet (although most of the people in the class did) but I'm looking.

Eve bought a Wii. She just up and did it. She's hosting a dinner party tomorrow and intends to make the Wii the after dinner focus. Guitar Hero, Wario Ware, Wii sports. I'm looking forward to it, and I warn all of you so you don't get sharked at Wii bowling next Christmas.

Now that I've got my 90 day letter I've started assembling the other things I need for the great job hunt. I ordered multiple copies of my academic transcripts so I can start getting serious.

That's about all there is at this point. I've got to start working, so I'll just keep sporadically posting as things change.
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