Being stuck in a car loan with high interest rates and costs can be frustrating. At one point, you may have needed to purchase a car in a hurry but because you have a bad credit history, you may be unable to qualify for loans with a low rate.
Most car loans for bad credit come with 18% to 25% interest rate. Yet because you needed the car at that time, you may have acquired a bad credit card loan despite the high interest rate. Is it possible to improve your current situation?
How can you get off from the high interest rate so you can enjoy a much easier repayment? By refinancing your bad credit auto loan. Refinancing is like getting a second car loan- only with lower rates and easier repayment terms.
Requirements on Refinancing
Bad Credit Auto Loan What are the requirements for refinancing a bad credit car loan? Specific requirements may vary from one lending company to another but the general rules are usually the same.
First, you need to have maintained the car for at least 1 year. Second, your records should prove that you have made consistent and timely payments from the day you started with your repayment. The value of the car you bought should also cost more than the balance of your loan.
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Tips In Refinancing Your Bad Credit Auto Loan RESOURCES for YOU: