Apr 07, 2006 21:25
It's injury week here On Koh Samui. The night before last I went to the Sound Bar where a Ladyboy kindly stagedived at me in the vain hope that I would help her to complete some horribly cliched ballerina fantasy. I wasn't quite ready so she landed on my head. Ouch. A bit like being dropped on your head from a height of about 4 feet. Shortly afterwards, not content with only one injury, I fell off a chair that I was dancing on and smacked my ass and coxix (sp?) really hard. Could hardly move the next morning so I slepty all day and proceeded to get drunk the next eveing (last night). I was soon back in Chaweng at the Escape half-moon lakeside houseparty where I got into a debate with a pissed english homophobe about the correct form of address for a ladyboy (she, her or lady NOT he, gay or faggot! Asshole.)
So he offered his opinion on my sexual preferences and I returned the favour by dancing and singing a little song all about how gay he was.
I wasn't looking, probably had my eyes shut, when he hit me smack on the left of my mouth and cheek which sent me flying onto the vary same ass and coxix (sp?) I'd landed on the night before. Ouch. Split lip, killer ass. When I got up I could hardly walk so the big gay homophobic english thug left me alone. Phew.
So this morning I woke up again in great pain but with an added bonus. Swollen glands and a sore throat. Ouch.
So what yoga have we learned juresa? I guess that'll be the bit about not mixing with vulgar people.
And by the way, I got my dates wrong. I don't have to be in hong kong for at least 35 days so I have another month to adventure in or around Thailand. Escort work in Japan I reckon ;)
I'd kiss you more but it hurts.
koh samui,
getting punched