Inviting some foreigners to my place

Oct 05, 2006 00:52

Hi there,

One final e-mail to make the procedure as painless as possible har har har.

First and foremost, I wil do my best to be at the Posco building at 16:00 tomorow, but given that the following few days are all but standard, i cannot garantuee this. Therefore i have construed a back up plan.

Look at Exhibit A: KoreatoDeosko.jpg

If you examine this image clearly it indicates the most optimal route to take. The reason I take this route is because transfers are easiest this way.

Let me go step by step.


Group meets at 15:45
Group Leaves at 16:00 sharp, the more delay here the more delay later :)

Take the Subway in the direction of Dongmyo, the best way to go about is once you enter the subway, keep to the left and take the stairway down, turn 180 degrees and then keep to the right, take the stairs down to the right and wait for metro to arrive.

Once Metro arrives, get on the Metro before the door closes, ALL OF YOU :)
Spread out over 2 or 3 doors to get maximum transit speed :-p

When you arrive to Dongmyo read step 2


When exiting the Metro you will have to look to your left, there is a small stairway up, take it.
Keep yourself to the left. You will need to make a choice. Choose the right one and you will be damned for ever, choose the left one and you will be oke.

Go up and walk all the way to a green machine that sells chewing gum, and wait ....

wait for the Metro to arrive, get on in similar fashion as in the previous step, the doors on this one close EVEN FASTER. In other words, step one was training, step two is the real thing.

There might be a stop at cheongnyanghi, IF everyone gets of the METRO, GET OF THE METRO, there is a pit stop for metro's at that station and you might need to take the next one to go for the final stage --> HOEGI

If you have arrived safely at Hoegi, and the group is still intact please proceed to step number 3


If you get of at Hoegi, look again to your left and go up the stairs.
Once you are up, go all the way to the other side, without exiting the metro .....
Take the stairs to your left, when your back is to the place you came from .....
Don't wander off to far once down, just stay there till a Metro arrives on the left side when you were descending. If you take the other side (To incheon) you might catch a plain to get to Deokso.

Get on the Metro, the doors here do not close too fast, but still be prepared to jump in when the beepers go off.

Now you wait and wait and wait until you come upon a station that is called GURI. DO NOT GET OFF.
What you need to do then is call me on my cellular phone 010/xxx1-xxx4. This way i know you are about 10 mins away from final destination.

If you have followed these instructions to the letter, you will have arrived safely at Deokso.

Exiting the Metro you will again look to your left to see the stairways you need to take to go up.
Once you are up, follow the crowd to the exit and normally you should see a smile on my face

you have arrived.

If anything goes wrong do call me on my cellular phone 010/xxx1-xxx4



PS: I am dyslexic and do not know right from wrong, hhhuueee i mean right from left. Please use your common sense when traveling the Metro :)
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