Fake Flakes

May 06, 2011 19:56

I have no idea if it's just my personality in general, or my autism, or whatever, but whenever I'm addressing someone face to face, I never, ever use their name unless things are getting heated, or someone is saying something embarrassing, or there's some other strong emotion involved.

If someone is being idiotic or unreasonable, or if they're about to say something really dumb, I may use their name in an exclamatory fashion - "Jane!  Why would you say that?'

But, during a normal conversation, it doesn't ever occur to me to use anyone's name.  They know who they are, I know who they are, and they know I'm talking to them, so saying their name sounds a bit awkward to me, and it also sounds fake.

Most of the ass-kissers I've met over the years tend to overuse peoples' names when they're talking.  Maybe they think that it lends an air of familiarity to the situation, and in turn, that familiarity will help their case.  I don't know.

It just irks me when someone uses my own name when they're simply talking to me.

A friend of mine (who I will refer to as 'Jane') is looking to buy a travel trailer.  Since one of the RV sales outlets is close to my place, she asked me to do lunch, then go with her to check out what's available.  I agreed.  It's a beautiful day, the sun was shining, and I felt like getting some fresh air.

When we got there, she had to get the salesman to unlock a few of the units, and she wanted him to answer some questions.  The more he talked, the more he grated on my nerves.

"Jane, this unit is absolutely perfect for you.  You see, Jane, it comes with (insert features here) and a (warranty).  Great for you and the hubby, Jane.  And, Jane, if you buy today, we can (insert perk here).  You don't want to miss out on this offer, Jane."

Repeat this about thirty times.

Even Jane told me she heard her name more times in one hour today than she had during the past thirty days, total.

I know there's a psychological reason behind it.  But, for someone to try to get to that level of familiarity with me when they don't know me is not only really fake, it also makes them sound like a flake.  My first mental response is, 'Who the fuck are you trying to kid?'  I never do it, because I loathe brown-nosing, and that's exactly how it sounds.  The only time I'd make an exception is if someone were greeting me, or trying to get my attention.  The rest of the time, it just screams 'SUCK UP'.

It's not just this salesman who's irritated me.  I hear it at work from clients, too.  And coworkers.  And some of my friends.  And, it's aggravating.

Does anyone do this?  Or does anyone avoid doing it?  Do you think it makes you sound familiar, or fake?

random musings

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