A Show of Superiority

Sep 24, 2011 11:47


WoW-Related rambling will begin now.  If you don't play WoW, feel free to stop right here.

Humans have always been competitive little things, and before the advent of the internet, they've usually had to prove themselves in front of others to show that superiority. They've also been somewhat insecure and touchy about not being the best.

Then, the internet came along, as did the introduction of e-peen.  Now, anyone can claim to have a huge e-peen without actually showing proof.  It used to irk me, but now I just find it amusing.  Of course, such puffing and strutting is particularly rampant in WoW.

If I'm questing and having issues, I'll start looking online for input, suggestions and tactics from others regarding that quest.  Most of what I read is helpful, but occasionally, you get an e-peen wannabe throwing in their two cents.

I like WoWhead.  You can pull up almost any quest, and read notes from others.  Of course, there has to be one in every fucking group who wants everyone else to think they're 1337 beyond comprehension.  So, you generally get to read something similar to the following:

1. She's on the bluff to the northeast.  Was able to do this quest with three level 66's, though it's likely doable with two level 68's.

2. Couldn't solo it as a 70 rogue; she hits for 1000+ damage, has a special attack for 1000 more, and has a bleed DOT.  She's immune to Crippling Poison.

3. I almost managed to solo her as a level 68 BM Hunter, although there were some things I should've done, or things that I could've done better.  The mobs around her should've been cleared, I could've used a DPS pet instead of a tanking pet, and a different trinket probably would've made a difference.

4. Soloed as a 69 Shadow Priest but it wasn't easy.  Had to use PW:S every time I could, dispersion, and a healing pot.  Ended up with 20 health left at the end.

You start to get a gist of what levels can solo the mob, what the best techniques are, what not to do, and so on.  There's usually some consistency throughout the comments. And then, you have the e-peen wannabe, who chimes in with something similar to the following:

5. Soloed easily on my level 45 holy priest with no weapons or armor.  I'd go into details, but I AFK'ed halfway through and missed a lot of it, and when I came back, the mob was dead, and my health bar was full up.  Can't believe so many people are having problems with this quest.

The translation of #5, coming from the e-peenor's point of view:  "OMG U GAIZ IM SOOOO 1337 CANT YOU C HOW 1337 I AM? IM 1337 BEYOND COMPARE AND U R ALL A BUNCH OF PUZZIES AND YOU NEED TO RECOGNIZE MY KEWLNESS BECUZ IM SOOO FUCKING KEWL AND 1337!  I HAVE EPICZ 1337 HAXXOR SKILLZ!!111!!!one!!"

The translation from everyone else's point of view:  "I'm someone who has severe self-esteem issues, and who sees the world from the perspective of a mentally deficient six-year old.  I desperately want people to notice me, and I really need to look cool, so I lie compulsively online to accomplish that need.  Look at me, guys!  Look at me!  If you don't look at me, I'll cry.  If you still don't look at me, I'll post even more outrageous shit and clutter up the message boards!  Look at me!"

The funniest part is that these trolls will never understand just how blatantly obvious they are.

wow, lulz

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