I Need to Rant

Aug 31, 2011 09:37

There needs to be a law that states that if a completely frivolous lawsuit is brought before the courts, the plaintiff will either face heavy fines or jail time for tying up the legal system in a needless, ridiculous manner.

Case in point: Children sue mother for 'bad parenting'.

As a kid, I was treated as a slave. I had to jump to cater to my mother's needs on a daily basis. If I didn't jump fast enough, she'd slap me. 'Catering' meant making her meals, doing all the housework, fetching her purse/water/whatever even though it was within arms' reach, cleaning up behind her, and generally doing anything else she felt I should be doing.  These weren't normal chores (how many eight-year olds do you know who use ammonia to strip wax off floors or spend four hours ironing their parents' clothing?).  Sometimes, my mother would keep me home from school because she'd been out partying late the night before, and she needed me to bring her breakfast, bring her glasses of water, hand her the phone, and lie for her and tell people she was really sick (and not just hungover, unable to get out of bed).

She thought nothing of beating the shit out of my sister and I for supposed slights (I didn't know what Paranoid Personality Disorder was back then, but I do now), even when we'd done nothing wrong.  Every day, we both got to hear how 'fucking stupid' and 'useless' we were.  According to her, we never did anything right, we ruined her life, we were good for nothing, and her favorite pet names for us were 'dummy' and 'retard'.

When I got older and started working after school and got my own phone, she didn't pay her phone bill, and after her phone was disconnected, she used mine when I wasn't home, ran up an $1800 phone bill (in my name), denied that she used the phone at all (even though all the calls were to my dad's number halfway across the country while I was at work), and I got stuck paying it.  I was seventeen at the time.

And, that was just the tip of the iceberg.

Throughout most of my childhood, it seemed like I was the parent of a very helpless, dependent 40-year old child who was physically bigger than me, and very verbally and physically abusive.  When I reached adulthood, one of the reasons I chose to not have children was that I'd had enough of my mother's endless dependency and demands, and I knew that having a baby would mean I'd have to go through 18 more years of it.  I simply couldn't do it.  I'd reached the point where I was no longer capable of taking care of a dependent without feeling rage inside me.

So, now these two 'children' are suing their mother for 'poor parenting'.  She failed to buy toys for one, told her she had to be home at midnight during homecoming, put a budget on buying a dress, and sent a card with tomatoes on it to the other one for his birthday which the kid deemed 'inappropriate'.

One very small part of me wants to laugh at the idiocy of their claims of 'mistreatment', but a much bigger part of me is raging and furious.  These two kids are making a mockery of the legal system, and there are people out there who have suffered legitimate abuse who have to wait months or years to find justice.

These idiotic lawsuits seem to be getting more and more common these days, and they're tying up the courts, pushing the real cases back.

It needs to end, and someone needs to put their foot down.  Some law needs to be passed where if it can be proven that a plaintiff is tying up valuable court/justice/legal resources with trivial, useless, entitled shit, they should be charged with a crime, and punished accordingly.  Fines, jail time, community service, whatever.

And, their father is one of the lawyers, and he should be disbarred, because he should fucking well know better.

But, this needs to stop.  The judge ruled against the kids, of course, but the fact that this case actually got into the court system astounds me, and it's setting a precedent.  Sure, these kids didn't win, but what about the next ones?  And, there will be next ones, because these two were actually able to get a judge to spend time reviewing this garbage.

I think these two should be sentenced to a year with my mother.  That'll be true fucking justice.

wtf, epic fail, are you kidding me, stupid people, rants

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