alright so as you all know i sell t shirts through zazzle dot com.
it used to be, when i signed up, that you could pretty much make whatever shirt you wanted and they would print it. now i guess they are cracking down on some rules, some stupid, some legit, and checking each friggin shirt before the print it. which pisses me off. now, they erased all the harry potter fan shirts i made, which is fine i guess, i understand copyright laws, etc. except the shirts weren't hurting anybody. and jk rowling doesn't care. so really it would only be warner bros. who didn't make their profit, except all the t shirts they make are crappy and are obviously designed y people who don't read the books, so you get what you give. but the thing that really freakin IRKS me is that they deleted all the feminism/lesbian shirts, saying they had an inappropriate content rating. so, for example, "I'm not homophobic but life-partner is" needs to be rated R. Same with "I'm not heterophobic, I have tons of breeder friends." What the hell? Those are totally PG. And instead of simply changing my product rating they delete the shit. i think i'm going to get off my lazy ass and actually just sell my own shit but that is a lot of work. all of the gay-themed shirts have been deleted and I can't help but feel like they wouldn't have touched the HP stuff except for the gay stuff. And maybe it's all in my head, but maybe it's not. And there's nobody I can fucking call or anything because it's all just computards anyway. what a way to wake up. i also have a severe headache and probably a snius infection, which will help you to understand my mood.