Nobody's sure the gov't did it or not yet. Kinda hard to tell. I've been pointing network tools at things to poke at it and try to verify one way or the other right now. Seeing some weird routing and server response stuff going on, and honestly I dunno how the gov't works about server seizures, so I don't know if this is expected behavior that validates that the gov't is involved, or if the guy at YiffyLeaks is just doing it for attention or what.
I figure it's attention... The Gov took a while to shut down WikiLeaks itself, they would investigate YiffyLeaks most likely and see it's not really harmful to the Gov.
As far as I know, the gov't could NOT shut down WikiLeaks, because it's hosted in the Netherlands and they're a neutral country. So the US has no jurisdiction there to force their hand in seizing WikiLeaks' servers and hosting.
there's really nothing weird going on with the tracert, the site is still being hosted on dreamhost, and the domain itself has not been seized, just the subdomain, which is managed by DNS on dreamhost's end and thus beyond the control of any party that might sieze it. Arc, desperate, sad and upset that he still wasn't infamous (after all this!) faked the seizure so that he could make a big public show of it.
That's really a shame, cuz I really liked the web interface he had there. =P What was stupid was taking down the interface while tons of people were USING it. If he wanted fame, he made the wrong move, cuz now he's just pissed off the people who had just found what he had done and barely got to use it.
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