The logistics of curing demon!Dean

Oct 21, 2014 12:57

Apparently now that the new season has started I'm having way too many thoughts on this show :) But, to quote Dean, "Well, there you go." :D

So, this is all about the actual logistics of curing Dean.

1. I've seen people worried that if Sam cures Dean that means he will have completed all three trials and will - according to what Naomi said - die.

Well, after the other two trials there had to be some Enochian to be recited after the actual trial was finished, so unless Sam says that I don't think he will have a problem this time.

However, if they were worried about that, the could just get somebody else to do the actual curing. Like, Jodi, Krissy, Sonny... there still are people who I think would go out of their way to help Dean and Sam.

2. Dean is not like the other demons, is he?

Even if you discount the fact that he obviously still has a choice which side to pick, he is distinctly different from all other demons we have seen so far. With the possible exception of Cain.

Every other demon, including Abaddon and Crowley, is basically smoke, be it red or black. They can be drawn out of the host and dealt with, leaving the host unharmed afterwards.

Then again, maybe the curing ritual ties the demon to the vessel. That one time the Man of Letters guy did it, and when Sam did it with Crowley, there were no signs of two different beings. Hmmm.

Dean (and Cain, the way I see it), however, are the real thing. 100 % solid demon. The original soul in the vessel corrupted and turned demon. So - will the curing ritual work on that kind of demon too? In a "real" supernatural world I'd say no, but in the TV-land CW version it probably will, if just for simplicity's sake.

3. What if Dean gets cured?

The way I see it, given what we've learned so far, two things could pose a problem.

a) By rights, Dean should be dead, right? I mean, an angel blade through the heart will do that to you, won't it? And as we've see happen with Colette, and the original Meg Masters, once the body is dead or injured beyond repair, it's dead once the demon is gone.

b) Assuming the curing ritual does some mojo that lets Dean's body be healed along with his soul, shouldn't he have the same problem as before he got killed? He still has the Mark, and that means he has to *killkillkill* otherwise he gets "the least best better", to quote Crowley. So, unless they find a speedy way to get rid of the Mark, they're in the same pickle as before.

And please, keep me spoiler free :)

spn, demon!dean, curing a demon, dean

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