Too sick to be sad

Mar 29, 2006 14:06

I woke on Sunday with a sore throat. It only got worse from there. It kept me up on Monday night. I was really tired on Tuesday morning.

So I wasn't going around carefully.  As I was putting a notebook in my bag, I felt a sharp pain in my finger.  A pencil had broken through the skin of my middle finger and I had a black mark down going down to the middle of my finger nail.  I couldn't find part of the tip.  I had to wait for several hours at work to get an appointment and several more to actually go in.  All I can say at least I still have my some of my finger nail, the scalpel was blue, and I knew what I was going in for.  It looks at lot worse than it is, but felt as bad as it sounds.  I could have gotten some good drugs if I wanted.  I am not thinking about my throat anymore.
It's PMS season at my house...
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