Jun 22, 2005 17:26
Name on Birth Certificate: Grace I. Rosales
Better Known As: Gracie
Birthday: December 17, 1989
Age: 15
Mommy's Name and Age: Sonia, 45
Daddy's Name and Age: Higinio, 46
Have any brothers/sisters: nope. only child.
What's their names and ages:
Shoe size: 7
Height: 5’0
School: eDiNbUrg NoRth HiGh SchoOl
Grade: sophmore (no more fishy!!)
Color: green
Number: 20
Letter: um... don't have one
Sport: tennis
Day of the Week: Saturday
Season: winter
Teacher: PAttERsOn
Subject: enGliSh
Animal: monkey!
Cereal: fruit loops
Ice-Cream: chOcolAtE
TV Channel: mTv (67)
TV Show: Friends
Movie: The Notebook
Song: Antiflag- 911 for peace
Sesame Street Character: ELMO :)
-ThiS oR ThAt*-
Real World or Road Rules: real WoRld : )
MTV or VH1: MtV
Nickelodeon or Disney: DiSneY
Jessica Simpson or Ashlee Simpson: Jessica
Hilary Duff or Haylee Duff: hiLary duFF
AOL or AIM: Aim :}
Day or Night: night : 0
Light or Dark: dark ; )
Sunset or Sunrise: suNset
Crayons or Colored Pencils: crAyons
Beach or Boardwalk: beach
Mall or Movies: movies
Boys or Girls: girls...j/k BOYS!!
-TrUe Or FaLsE*-
You'd take a bullet for a friend: true
You'd die for your love: true--in an instant
You'd kill for your best friend: true
You'd kiss your best friend: nah
All is fair in love and war: ???
-In ThE pAsT mOnTh, HaVe yOu*-
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked cigarettes: no
Done drugs: yes
Went to a party: um...yeah
Cried: yes
Lied to your parents: YES
Got into an argument with a friend: yup
Got into a fight: no
Been to the movies: yes
Been to the mall: yes
Broken the law: guilty
Fallen in love: YES!--of course
Who's your best friend: hmm... JERRY (or Army, crazy philipeno)
Who would you choose between your best friend and all your other friends: not sure
Who's your other friends: Julie, Army, Vero, Christian, Yesenia, Tommie....
Would you take your family over your friends: yes of course.
Do you think you will stay friends with all of your current best friends: most of them, hopefully
How many people do you think you'll stay friends with in 20 years: hmm.. dnt know
you trust all of your friends: yes (i've learned from my mistakes who to trust)
Can you laugh with all of your friends: of course
Do you love all of your friends: lots <3
-ThE LaSt*-
Friend you went somewhere with: Army
- - where'd ya go?: tennis practice, out to eat, then chill at her house
Friend you had a sleepover with: Army
- - who's house did you sleepover?: hers
Boyfriend you had: Jerry. my love <3
Argument you had: jerry
IM you recieved: julie
Word you said: "i love you" to jerry
Person that signed on: david
TV Show you watched: MADE
Movie you saw: Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Song you listened to: "Underground Network" Antiflag
Thing you ate: Happy Meal from McDonalds :D
Person you told you loved them: jerry :)
-LovE LiFe*-
Single or Taken: taken :D
If Taken, who's your man?: a crazy bushy head named JERRY
How long: um... 9 months on the 25th
Are you in love?: extremely!
If Single, who do you like?:
How long have you been single?:
Do you want a boyfriend?:
Who was your first kiss?: in kinder... forgot his name (does that count??)
Have you fallen in love?: yes (only once)
With who?: Jerry
-YeS oR n0*-
Do you believe in God?: yes
Do you love your life?: um... yes...no...sometimes
Do you smile a lot?: :D
Do you live your life spontaneously?: yes
Are you the life of the party?: ?