Mar 29, 2005 20:23
It was soo emberrasing. Ok this just happened like 20 min ago. Jerry came home with me after school and my mom made him dinner then we watched Anchorman. So it was all good and we were just hanging out and he was playing my dads guitar. Then at around 8:00 his mom said she was on her way to pick him up. So about 10 min later the doorbell rings and we thought it was his mom so he got his backpack and then it turned out not to be his mom but instead someone else. Well.. my friend Leo whos like 18 came over and he was like hey whats up what r u doing? hes like I just came over to say hi and so we were talking outside for a few minutes then he was like i better let you go. So he left and I was like OMG! that looks really bad you know having your boyfriend at your house and having another boy drop by. And the worst part is that I was showing him last years yearbook and telling him all the guys who liked me so it made it seem like there were alot and then with this guy coming to my door that made it even worse and I feel so bad cuz I would be mad too if some girl came to talk to him while I was at his house. And its freaky cuz I dont even know how he found out where I live. And then Jerry read some letter in my yearbook where some guy confessed his love to me and he was like "see Gracie alot of guys like you." but I dont know if he realizes that I only love him and no one else because hes the only person who I feel so happy with and I just hope he realizes that even if all these other guys who supposedly like me, they mean absolutely nothing to me cuz Jerry all I want is you.
** I believe in you I'll give up everything just to find you I have to be with you, to live, to breath, your taking over me.**