"This just came over the Baronial email and some of you are seeing this again,
"Lords and Ladies
it is with the sad news that I make this announcement to our populace. I was informed this morning from Baroness Rowan that at 1:30 am this day Friday October 2nd HL Cairbre suddenly passed away, this was completely unexpected. I have very few details at this time.
Rowan has asked for a day or two to gather her thoughts before returning calls and e-mails. there are friends in-route to her, they will be leaving within the day to go and be with her, and I will be posting any updates as soon as I have them.
I am acting as a point of contact until she is ready to take over so please feel free to call and I will try to assist
In service
John deCannon
AKA John Caverly
AKA Boomer"
Right now I am in numb shock. I will post something more later."