Oct 31, 2005 15:23
Since now I actually have a couple of friends, I should update more often.
So, what's going on in my life?
1. Just came back from vacation, not a stressed bone in my body. But that's about to change, becaaaaause...
2. ... I'm also changing jobs next wednesday. I work at a museum in Lisbon, I am very happy here, but they are crappy, CRAPPY employers (they pay every three months, if lucky). But I love my co-workers, my boss is the best boss in the Universe, so it was a real pickle when a friend of mine called me saying "there's an opening at the sociology department of our college, the department's president asked for you, personally!". Damn! No one has EVER asked for me to do a job! It's a great oportunity, so I took it.
Since I have a real problem saying NO, I will now, from the 2nd on, be working 10am - 1pm at the museum, and 2pm - 8pm at the college. From 6 months to a year.
It's good to have money, but I will need a padded room after this!
3. Halloween is here, it's my 5th anniversary as a Witch (I kinda was before, but 2000 was my breakthrough year!), and I will not celebrate it again. I will definitely pray and thank my Gods and my Angels and my Shining Star for helping me begin this new year with a new life. Thank you for whispering my name in the department's president ear!
Kisses, gals!
Jupiter Moon