751. pardon me while I break down a little

Nov 07, 2011 11:30

I don't know why I decided to go back to school. It's been nothing but stressful and I'm only taking 13 hours instead of the 18 I used to take every semester. I still can't get things right.

I had a test in Chem last Friday and one in Stats today and on both of them I left questions blank. I never do that. But when I got both the tests I just could not remember anything from the lectures. I did well to remember a couple equations on the Stats test today, and that's probably only because I was able to sneak a quick glance at my notes while she passed the test out.

To top it all off, I still can't afford anything. This whole semester is horrible because school takes away a good chunk of my availability at the daycare, so I have no choice but to keep on at the theatre. But those take up a lot of my non-class time and at the end of the day I am absolutely exhausted and I just have to start all over again a few hours later. I really think working so much is definitely a factor in the way my classes are going right now but if I don't keep working so much I won't have any money at all, not even to cover all my monthly basics.

I really, really miss being in high school with easier classloads, no work, and no monthly bills.

school, work

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