736. this has been a very trying day

May 17, 2011 23:58

Okay, I'm going to preface this entry by stating that it's been three years to the day of my grandmother's death. Moma was the first person that I was close to who passed away, so it was hard to deal with, especially since it happened the day before our shared birthday. At least it didn't happen ON our birthday, I suppose, but still. It wasn't easy to say goodbye, and I still miss her very much. Normally I take the 17th off work for my birthday, instead of my actual birthday, but since the daycare did away with birthday pay, I went to work today.

Man, was that a mistake.

My boss, Brenda, and the nursery teacher/second-in-command, Peggy, went to a training today somewhere near Beckley, I think. That left me in charge at work, as I've been there the longest except for Brenda, and I've worked in all the rooms and generally know how to take care of anything that may come up.

I started my day with one of the four-year-olds having a nosebleed at 8:15 in the morning. This kid has gotten nosebleeds pretty much his whole life, so at least he didn't freak out on me.

I only had five kids in my class today, but they were all pretty wound up and hyper. I was feeling pretty stressed and ready for naptime by the time lunch rolled around. After the kids had eaten and put the sheets on their cots, I herded them all next door for our potty parade (because our toilet is STILL broken--arrgh!). While I was helping the last of them wash their hands, my coworker Jamie called me. I missed the call because I'd already put my phone on silent, but I called her back pretty much immediately. When she answered, she was crying and I couldn't understand a word she was saying. Becky came into the bathroom then and took my kids, and I went out to the hallway to find Jamie on her side at the top of the stairs. She'd tripped going up the stairs, and she twisted her back as she fell.

I called Karen, our administer/liaison and told her what had happened, and then Karen came over to the daycare and helped me get Jamie to my car. I took her to the ER. We were only there about an hour, and Jamie's okay, but still. It was definitely not the calmest of afternoons.

When I got back to work, it was thankfully still naptime and I had a few minutes to just sit and chill. I made a cup of tea and had a bit of chocolate and sat there for about twenty minutes.

The weirdest thing happened after snack at work, though. N, one of my favorite girls, came up to me and started talking to me while I was writing on their My Day papers. Randomly, she looked at me and said, "I'm your grandma, I love you," and gave me a hug. It took all I had not to break down and burst into tears. I have no idea where that even came from or why but it was sweet and accidentally thoughtful and heartbreaking all at the same time. I've teared up now just writing it down.

The rest of the day at work went well enough, I suppose. We had a couple of boys get into a fight and scratch each other, and one of my twos peed on himself, but that's pretty much how it goes. The boys at our center are all pretty rough, and my kid is newly potty-trained.

After work I was exhausted, but I went to Zumba anyway. It helped my stress levels come back to normal, and gave me a little energy boost, which was definitely needed.

Just a half hour ago, though, my crappy upstairs neighbors started blasting music. I can kind of understand when it's in the middle of the day, but at 11:15 at NIGHT? When there are other people in the duplex? And when said other people are trying to get ready for bed! I have to be at work in roughly eight hours. Thankfully after my flatmate slammed her door a few times and shouted some they turned it off.

I'm going to sign off now, I think. I just needed to get this out, since it's been one hell of a day. I hope yours was better than mine.

work, zumba, moma, home

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