727. me? having a social life? whaaat.

Mar 12, 2011 23:27

Last night I went with Becky and Christina to a St Patrick's Day party that our friends Kimmy and Kimberly hosted. Now, if you know me at all, you know that parties are not really my thing. I can probably count on one hand the number of parties I've been to that didn't have anything to do with birthdays or random family get-togethers. In fact I know I could, because while I was typing the previous sentence, I couldn't actually think of any other parties I've been to.

The party was all right. I met a few people, had a couple of Amaretto sours, and mostly hung out with Becky and Christina. There were several guys there that totally reinforced my love of not-manly men and reminded me why all of the guys I fall for are either gay or at least don't really have an outwardly straight appearance. They sat around talking about how masculine they feel when they shoot guns, all the while listening to hard rock music played at an uncomfortable volume. (This is probably why I'm still single. My men = gay; manly men = not attractive.)

Holy crap, I just accidentally backed out of this page while trying to erase something. Thanks, LJ, for your draft auto-saves!

Tonight I went to Christina's Thirty-One party. It went pretty well. I didn't buy anything, but I did win a nail file for having the most items off a list in my purse. Yay? I don't use nail files, to be honest. I don't like the sound they make or the way it feels when you file your nails.

Tomorrow I've got stuff going on on my social calendar as well! My friend Lindsay is supposed to be coming over for a BuffyFest. We're finally going to finish the third season! :D

friends, social life

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